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Our core capabilities are in quantitative and data methods, and finding stories and fresh insights within data. These are supported by innovative methods and qualitative techniques.

Quantitative Research

We have extensive experience running global and local surveys. We handle all aspects of survey research, from survey design, to fieldwork management, to data organization and analysis. We’re experienced in running both panel-based surveys and client database surveys. And we’re experts in designing more complex surveys where needed, for example designing for conjoint analysis, MaxDiff, Demand Space analysis and Implicit Association methods.


At our core is our deep analytics skillset. We apply a range of different techniques to uncover deeper insights in data, depending on the needs of the project. These include, but aren’t limited to: Clustering techniques, relationship exploration work, predictive modeling, forecasting, experimental techniques, and text analysis.

Social Listening

We use social listening throughout much of our work. We have experience running social listening data, finding insight into cultural and brand narratives among consumers’ social conversations. We use advanced analysis to unlock more insight from social listening data, over what the platforms themselves provide.


We help clients and agencies develop their research agendas and guide their quantitative research thinking, and quantitative teams.

AI and Innovation

We are method agnostic in our work, and we develop new approaches to solving clients’ problems where no existing solutions fit the brief. These lean on a range of different solutions, including AI-based techniques.

Qualitative Research and Semiotics

Through our collective partners we enhance and supplement our quantitative work with best-in-class qualitative research and semiotics. Our qualitative offering includes in-depth Interviews, focus groups, and diary studies – depending on the needs of the project.